My handmade book White Center is now available in an edition of 10.
It was designed and created with Sarah Maker this summer at Editions, a bookmaking studio, in Georgetown. The loose leaf book contains 16 archival pigment prints.
The street studio portraits in White Center were made between 2001 and 2019 in White Center, Washington, a working-class neighborhood south of Seattle. It is diverse in a way much of Seattle is not. Of the 222 portraits made during this period, 16 were chosen for the book.
Those who joined me in making these images are much like the people I worked with on the Boeing factory floor. I photographed barbers, housekeepers, restaurant employees, small business owners, barista, construction, airport and postal workers, teachers and others. I often set up a backdrop and chairs to create an outdoor studio.
This was a labor of love — both in making the box containing the prints and the prints themselves. Please contact me if you are interested in purchasing it.